PetScripts Buyer's Guide

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Why Buy From PetScripts?

Do I need a prescription?

Yes - a prescription is always required to purchase prescription medication.

By law, PetScripts is required to physically receive the vet's original prescription. A photo, scan, fax, or emailed copy alone is not sufficient.

Placing an order with PetScripts

How do I get a prescription?

What do I do with the script?

To ship your medication, PetScripts will need to receive a script written by a vet. Your vet can help make the online ordering process easier.

There are two options:

Option 1
Vet Sends Script - Faster Delivery!

1) Your vet emails AND posts the script direct to PetScripts.

2) You complete the PetScripts online order at any time, and indicate “My Vet will email you my prescription” at checkout.

PetScripts ships to you on receipt of the emailed script from your Vet – gets to your door quicker! Just give this info to your vet:

[email protected]

Reply Paid 87918. 10 Dallas Parade, KEPERRA QLD 4054

Option 2
Do It Yourself

1) You collect the script from the vet, in person.

2) You order online from PetScripts, attaching a photo of the script at checkout. (Easier from your smart phone)

3) You post the physical script to PetScripts. (No stamp required)

PetScripts ships to you on receipt of the posted script – accepting any script postage delays.

Reply Paid 87918. 10 Dallas Parade, KEPERRA QLD 4054

Unfortunately, we can’t ship based on a script faxed/emailed from a customer. [ Why not? ]

Prescription Repeats
