It is important to closely follow the instructions of your veterinarian. Some of the medications used to treat seizures and epilepsy. It can take time to find the right medication for your pet, and in some cases, management of your pet's epilepsy or seizures with medication may not be possible.

Here are some of the toxins that can cause seizures in pets

Toxins can cause seizures in cats.

  • Permethrin - An ingredient in some flea, tick, scabies, and lice products for pets and people.
  • Fluoroquinolone antibiotics - A family of antibiotics that includes ciprofloxacin, gemifloxacin, moxifloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin that is used to treat a variety of illness in people and sometimes prescribed for cats ( and dogs) but can cause seizures in overdoses.
  • Diphenhydramine - An antihistamine found in cold, flu, and allergy products for people and sometimes prescribed for cats ( and dogs) but can cause seizures if overdoses.
  • Amitriptyline - is an antidepressant and is sometimes prescribed for cats to treat behavioral issues like separation anxiety and inappropriate spraying.
  • Mirtazapine - is prescribed as an antidepressant in people but for cats is prescribed to stimulate  their appetite but can cause seizures  in overdoses
  • Ibuprofen - an anti-inflammatory painkiller (Neurofen) that is toxic to cats (and dogs) at high doses.
  • Tea  Tree Oil - a natural antibacterial and antifungal but is toxic to cats at high doses.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid - a naturally occurring fatty acid found in many foods that is sometimes prescribed for people with diabetes and diabetic peripheral neuropathy but can be toxic to cats at high doses
  • Minoxidil - is a medication (Rogaine) that is found in products that treat hair loss in people that is highly toxic to cats.
  • Paracetamol / Acetaminophen - a medication ( Panacol ) that treats fever and pain in people but highly toxic to cats.
  • Ivermectin / Moxidectin - ingredients found in heartworms intestinal worms, head lice and scabies in animals and people and is available as an oral or topical product that is toxic to cats in large doses ( ivermectin is toxic to dogs in high doses).
  • Baclofen - an anti-spasmodic and muscle relaxing medication for people that is toxic to cats.
  • Bromethalin - an ingredient in rat and mouse poison that is toxic to cats.

Toxins That Can Cause Seizures in Dogs

  • Isoniazid - a medication that is prescribed to treat tuberculosis (TB) in humans.
  • Lamotrigine - a medication that is prescribed to treat seizures in people with epilepsy and bipolar disorder  that is highly toxic to dogs and cats.
  • Wild Mushrooms - Store bought mushrooms are generally safe for your dogs to eat but many wild mushrooms are toxic to dogs.
  • Xylitol - Xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs and is an artificial used in many "sugar-free" products like chewing gum, lollies and some brands of peanut butter ( it has not been found in any peanut butter sold in Australia to date)
  • Caffeine - Caffeine is obviously found in caffeine tablet and coffee but can also be found in tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, sport drinks, chocolate, some diet pills, coffee-flavored ice cream, coffee liqueurs , hot chocolate and iced teas and is toxic to dogs ( and cats)
  • Ethanol - Ethanol (or alcohol) is a very common cause of poisoning in dogs and found in alcoholic drinks, some over the counter cough and cold liquid medicines and can even be absorbed through the dogs skin causing toxic levels in the bloodstreams.
  • Chocolate - as well as caffeine, chocolate also contains a compound called the theobromine which is found in higher concentrations in cooking dark chocolate making even the smallest amounts highly toxic to dogs.
  • Strychnine -found in pesticides to control rats, foxes, wild dogs, feral pigs, rabbits and errus and is extremely toxic to all of the above animals as well as dogs and cats .
  • Ethylene Glycol - this is found in some radiator coolant can be consumed by dogs ( and cats ) but is highly toxic.
  • Mycotoxins - are toxic compounds that are produced by a certain type of fungi (mold) that grows on foods such as cereals, nuts , spices and dried fruits and is toxic to people and pets.
  • Bee Sting enemotivation -  just like in people, some dogs can be allergic to bee stings which can cause toxicity in dogs.
  • Homemade playdough or salt dough  - homemade play dough or salt dough both contain large amounts of salt which can cause salt toxicity to dogs when ingested.